An average value or a central value of a distribution is the value of variable which is representative of the entire distribution, this representative value are called the measures of central tendency. Generally there are following five measures of central tendency:
(a) Mathematical average
(i) Arithmetic mean. (ii) Geometric mean. (iii) Harmonic mean
(b) Positional average
(i) Median. (ii) Mode
(i) For ungrouped dist.: If \(x _{1}, x _{2}, \ldots \ldots x _{ n }\) are \(n\) values of variate \(x\) then their mean \(\bar{x}\) is defined as
\(\overline{ x }=\dfrac{ x _{1}+ x _{2}+\ldots . .+ x _{ n }}{ n }=\frac{\displaystyle \sum_{ i =1}^{ n } x _{ i }}{ n }\)
\(\Rightarrow\displaystyle \Sigma x _{ i }= n \overline{ x }\)
(ii) For ungrouped and grouped freq. dist.: If \(x_{1}, x_{2}, \ldots . x_{n}\) are values of variate with corresponding frequencies \(f _{1}, f _{2}, \ldots f _{ n }\) then their mean is given by
\(\overline{ x }=\frac{ f _{1} x _{1}+ f _{2} x _{2}+\ldots+ f _{ n } x _{ n }}{ f _{1}+ f _{2}+\ldots+ f _{ n }}=\frac{\displaystyle \sum_{ i =1}^{ n } f x _{ i }}{ N }, \text { where } N =\displaystyle \sum_{ i =1}^{ n } f _{ i }\)
(iii) By short cut method :
Let \(d _{ i }= x _{ i }- a\)
\(\therefore \overline{ x }= a +\frac{\displaystyle \Sigma f _{i}d _{ i }}{ N }\), where a is assumed mean.
(iv) By step deviation method:
Let \(\quad u_{i}=\frac{d_{i}}{h}=\frac{x_{i}-a}{h}\)
\(\therefore \quad \overline{ x }= a +\left(\frac{\Sigma f _{ i } i _{ i }}{ N }\right) h\)
(v) Weighted mean : If \(w_{1}, w_{2}, \ldots \ldots w_{n}\) are the weights assigned to the values \(x _{1}, x _{2}, \ldots \ldots x _{ n }\) respectively then their weighted mean is defined as
\(\text { Weighted mean }=\dfrac{w_{1} x_{1}+w_{2} x_{2}+\ldots . .+w_{n} x_{n}}{w_{1}+\ldots . .+w_{n}}\)\(=\frac{\displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^{n} w_{i} x_{i}}{\displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^{n} w_{i}}\)
(vi) Combined mean : If \(\overline{ x }_{1}\) and \(\overline{ x }_{2}\) be the means of two groups having \(n _{1}\) and \(n _{2}\) terms respectively then the mean (combined mean) of their composite group is given by combined mean
\(=\dfrac{ n _{1} \overline{ x }_{1}+ n _{2} \overline{ x }_{2}}{ n _{1}+ n _{2}}\)
If there are more than two groups then,
\(\text { combined mean }=\dfrac{ n _{1} \overline{ x }_{1}+ n _{1} \overline{ x }_{2}+ n _{3} \overline{ x }_{3}+\ldots}{ n _{1}+ n _{2}+ n _{3}+\ldots}\)
(vii) Properties of Mean:
- Sum of deviations of variate about their mean is always zero i.e. \(\Sigma\left(x_{i}-\bar{x}\right)=0, \Sigma f_{i}\left(x_{i}-\bar{x}\right)=0\)
- Sum of square of deviations of variate about their mean is minimum i.e. \(\Sigma\left( x _{ i }-\overline{ x }\right)^{2}\) is minimum
- If \(\bar{x}\) is the mean of variate \(x_{i}\) then mean of \(\left(x_{i}+\lambda\right)\) is \(\bar{x}+\lambda\), mean of \(\left(\lambda x_{1}\right)=\lambda \bar{x}\), mean of \(\left(a x_{i}+b\right)\) is \(a \bar{x}+b\) (where \(\lambda, a, b\) are constant)
- Mean is independent of change of assumed mean i.e. it is not effected by any change in assumed mean.
Formulae of median:
3. MODE :
Also, coefficient of range \(=\dfrac{\text { difference of extreme values }}{\text { sum of extreme values }}\)
(ii) Mean deviation (M.D.) : The mean deviation of a distribution is, the mean of absolute value of deviations of variate from their statistical average (Mean, Median, Mode).
If \(A\) is any statistical average of a distribution then mean deviation about \(A\) is defined as
Mean deviation \(=\dfrac{\displaystyle \sum_{ i =1}^{ n }\left| x _{ i }- A \right|}{ n } \quad\) (for ungrouped dist.)
Mean deviation \(=\dfrac{\displaystyle \sum_{ i =1}^{ n } f _{ i }\left| x _{ i }- A \right|}{ N }\) (for freq. dist.)
Note :- It is minimum when taken about the median
Coefficient of Mean deviation \(=\dfrac{\text { Mean deviation }}{ A }\)
(where A is the central tendencyabout which Mean deviation is taken)
(iii) Variance and standard deviation : The variance of a distribution is, the mean of squares of deviation of variate from their mean. It is denoted by \(\sigma^{2}\) or var(x).
The positive square root of the variance are called the standard deviation. It is denoted by \(\sigma\) or S.D.
Hence standard deviation \(=+\sqrt{\text { variance }}\)
Formulae for variance :
(i) for ungrouped dist. :
\(\begin{array}{l}\sigma_{x}^{2}=\frac{\Sigma\left(x_{i}-\bar{x}\right)^{2}}{n} \\\sigma_{x}^{2}=\frac{\Sigma x_{i}^{2}}{n}-\bar{x}^{2}=\frac{\Sigma x_{i}^{2}}{n}-\left(\frac{\Sigma x_{i}}{n}\right)^{2} \\\sigma_{d}^{2}=\frac{\Sigma d_{i}^{2}}{n}-\left(\frac{\Sigma d_{i}}{n}\right)^{2}, \text { where } d_{i}=x_{i}-a\end{array}\)
(ii) For freq. dist.:
\(\sigma_{ x }^{2}=\frac{\sum f _{ i }\left( x _{ i }-\overline{ x }\right)^{2}}{ N }\)
\(\begin{array}{l}\sigma_{x}^{2}=\frac{\Sigma f_{1} x_{i}^{2}}{N}-(\bar{x})^{2}=\frac{\Sigma f_{i} x_{i}^{2}}{N}-\left(\frac{\Sigma f_{i} x_{i}}{N}\right)^{2} \\\sigma_{d}^{2}=\frac{\Sigma f_{i} d_{i}^{2}}{N}-\left(\frac{\Sigma f_{i} d_{i}}{N}\right)^{2} \\\sigma_{u}^{2}=h^{2}\left[\frac{\Sigma f_{i} u_{i}^{2}}{N}-\left(\frac{\Sigma f_{i} u_{i}}{N}\right)^{2}\right] \quad \text { where } u_{i}=\frac{d_{i}}{h}\end{array}\)
(iii) Coefficient of S.D. \(=\frac{\sigma}{\overline{ x }}\)
Coefficient of variation \(=\frac{\sigma}{\overline{ x }} \times 100 \quad\) (in percentage)
Note :- \(\sigma^{2}=\sigma_{ x }^{2}=\sigma_{ d }^{2}= h ^{2} \sigma_{ u }^{2}\)
\(\operatorname{Var} .\left( x _{ i }+\lambda\right)=\operatorname{Var}\left( x _{ i }\right)\)
\(\operatorname{Var} \cdot\left(\lambda x _{ i }\right)=\lambda^{2} \cdot \operatorname{Var}\left( x _{ i }\right)\)
\(\operatorname{Var}\left(a x_{i}+b\right)=a^{2} \cdot \operatorname{Var}\left(x_{i}\right)\)
where \(\lambda, a , b\), are constant
If means of two series containing \(n _{1}, n _{2}\) terms are \(\overline{ x }_{1}, \overline{ x }_{2}\) and their variance's are \(\sigma_{1}^{2}, \sigma_{2}^{2}\) respectively and their combined mean is \(\bar{x}\) then the variance \(\sigma^{2}\) of their combined series is given by following formula
\(\sigma^{2}=\dfrac{ n _{1}\left(\sigma_{1}^{2}+ d _{1}^{2}\right)+ n _{2}\left(\sigma_{2}^{2}+ d _{2}^{2}\right)}{\left( n _{1}+ n _{2}\right)}\) \(\text{where }d _{ i }=\overline{ x }_{1}-\overline{ x }, d _{2}=\overline{ x }_{2}-\overline{ x }\)
i.e. \(\sigma^{2}=\dfrac{ n _{1} \sigma_{1}^{2}+ n _{2} \sigma_{2}^{2}}{ n _{1}+ n _{2}}+\dfrac{ n _{1} n _{2}}{\left( n _{1}+ n _{2}\right)^{2}}\left(\overline{ x }_{1}-\overline{ x }_{2}\right)^{2}\)
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